The disk space feature shows the full amount of information that you can have on a shared web hosting server at any given time. With a personal computer, for example, this would be the size of your hard drive or the overall volume of all the hard drives in the event that the computer has more than just a single one. The same way that the space on a PC is divided between installed computer programs, docs, your music etcetera, the server hard disk space is normally divided between internet site files, databases and emails. Each file, folder or e-mail requires some disk space on the server, so you should take into account numerous factors, not only the size of the files that you upload. For instance, receiving larger e-mail attachments or using a script-driven site in which the user-generated content material is kept in a database will also affect the space you're using.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

We've created our Linux shared web hosting with the concept that the hdd storage shouldn't be a setback for your websites. While many web hosting suppliers make accounts using a single server, and in fact, the most popular Control Panels are designed to work solely on this kind of platform, we've taken an alternative strategy. We have groups of servers that control every aspect of the website hosting service, which means that your files are stored on one cluster, your emails on another one,your databases on a third one, etc. On this cloud platform we accomplish a few things - the disk space is virtually inexhaustible for the reason that we are able to connect as many servers and hard disk drives to our clusters as required, and we improve the overall effectiveness of each machine as only one type of system processes will operate on it. This tailor-made setup will enable you to enlarge your sites as you see fit without worrying about running out of disk space.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

When you get a semi-dedicated server plan from our firm, you'll not have to concern yourself with the disk space that you may use due to the simple reason that the characteristic is unrestricted. By contrast to lots of other hosting companies who promise an identical service, but create accounts using just a single machine where a limited number of hard drives can be fitted, we take advantage of an avant-garde cloud system using clusters of servers. All of your files will be stored on one cluster, your e-mails on a separate one, your databases on a third one etcetera. This kind of system features at least two serious advantages - first, the disk storage can never finish as we can easily add additional servers to each cluster that needs them, and second, the servers will function much more efficiently since they'll take care of just a single kind of system processes. A semi-dedicated server package offers you the opportunity to expand your sites as much as you want.

Disk Space in VPS

The disk storage that we provide with our virtual private servers differs based on the plan that you select when you sign up. By using a more powerful server, you are able to effortlessly run lots of sites, which means extra content, thus the superior the VPS plan, the more hard drive storage you'll have at your disposal. Shifting from one plan to another one takes just a couple of clicks and it doesn't involve any kind of service interruption. Your site files, databases and emails will share the total amount of space your server comes with, but if you prefer to get fixed quotas, you're able to select cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel during the ordering process. Either of the tools will enable you to set up website hosting accounts with restricted hdd space and if necessary, even to allocate space from one account to a different one. With the third alternative that you can find on the order page, the Hepsia Control Panel, all domains will share the storage.

Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting

With our Linux dedicated hosting you'll get all the disk space that you may need for your sites, databases, e-mails and applications. Hundreds of gigabytes of storage will be accessible and not shared with others, therefore you're able to upload any information you need - site files, personal or company archive backup copies, etcetera. You'll get at least two hard disk drives that work well in RAID, so one drive will mirror the other one in real time to make sure that all your important info is always backed up. If you like, you will be able to use the hard disks separately and use the full storage space in any way you see fit. If required, you'll be able to get extra hard disks linked to your server and have even greater storage space. You'll have the option to make website hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space allocations if you obtain the server with cPanel or DirectAdmin for the website hosting Control Panel. Using Hepsia, which is the third Control Panel option on the order page, all domain names hosted on your server will share the hard disk storage and they'll be handled from one account. Either way, our dedicated plans will satisfy your demands no matter what kind of web site you have to host.